Fang Fighter (15)Full unit name: Fang Fighter
Last updated: 19.07.2024 22:11:31
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Rebels (TV Series)
Relations: MandalMotors
The Fang-class starfighter, also known as Fang fighter, Protectorate fighter, or as the Protector Fang Fighter was fast and highly maneuverable starfighter designed specifically for combat and manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation and MandalMotors
and used by the Mandalorian Protectors
Mandalorian Protectors
. The Fang fighter had a thin, angular silhouette and a cranked-delta platform that gave the vessel an unmistakable profile. The fighter's fuselage took the form of a small, elongated hexagon with a low-profile canopy that covered the vessel's midship-mounted cockpit - the starfighter's aft section was dominated by a single, large, high-output ion engine. Two articulated S-foil wings were mounted to the fighter's fuselage, each capable of rotating and able to be raised or lowered, and possessed of a large, additional ion engine. The Fang fighter featured a sophisticated vectored thrust system, advanced flight controls, and automated vernier thrusters. Fang fighters could accommodate a single pilot, with no room for other passengers, and enough consumables for three standard days. They possessed an array of close range sensors, a class 2 hyperdrive, and an onboard navigation computer. The Fang fighter's S-foil wings housed the majority of the starfighter's weapon systems, which comprised of a pair of forward-mounted laser cannons. Just forward of the cockpit, mounted in the fighter's underside, was a retractable torpedo launcher that carried a single proton torpedo, offering the vessel a degree of tactical flexibility. The hidden launcher allowed a pilot to launch a devastating salvo before their quarry realized the vessel was carrying ordnance.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Fang Fighter Last updated: 19.07.2024 22:11:31